2016-2017 STATE OF CLUB 3351
You should all be very proud of what we’ve achieved this Rotary year:
- Rebuilding Together – contributed 87 volunteer hours by 19 volunteers and $1,000.Foodbank Service Day -a great day spent with family and friends - giving back to the community!
- Imagination Library update – Since inception Nov -2015 we have mailed 4,087 Books to 356 children in our area, at a cost of $8,742
- Shoes for Kids provided shoes for 191 school children at a cost of $4,703
- This was accomplished by at least 98 volunteers for our projects giving at least 508 hours of your precious time!!!
- Sent $2,200 for the library in Roatan and an Awning for the school
- Club and member contributions to the Foundation Annual Fund of $8,706 and to Polio Plus of $2,950 for a total contribution to the Foundation of $11,656 our goal for 2016-17 was $10,300 for all funds. Our per capita giving was 198 annual fund and 265 total giving
- Last year we had 34 Sustaining Members, this year we are on track for 38
- Every member has contributed to Rotary annual fund – qualifying for EREY
- Last year we had on Paul Harris Society Eligible member this year we have 2!
- Starting out with our Annual Celebration: We raised $11,300 from the Auction
- Blues Brews and BBQ this year raised $11,000 with at least 90 volunteer hours and 32 volunteers
- Awarded a District grant for our Shoes for Kids Program this year for $3,000
- Applied for and were awarded a Crown Point Community Foundation grant for our Imagination Library Project this year for $3,700
- Applied for and were tentatively awarded District Grants for 2017-18 for:
- 3000 for our Imagination Library Project and another
- 3000 in for our Roatan Project!
- Sponsored a Tent for the Bike Ride for Polio Indi 130 and provided 2 Club Riders and 3 other riders!!
- We have been blessed with 4 new involved members: Kate Lodovisi, Richard Lijana, MinDee Richard, and Kyle Corsiglia
- Sadly we lost two Honorary Members and past presidents, Ron Borto & Dart Koedyker.
- 41% or 19 out of 46 of our members are enrolled online in MYRotary
- 5 evening and outside meetings where our families joined us!
- We have had 8 media stories in our local papers and our projects are part of the featured projects at the District Annual Celebration in Elkhart and online in the Rotary Showcase.
- Many of our members active on our website and Facebook page and sharing our events regularly
- Our club sponsored the Lowell Rotary Club, and in the process, became great friends
- Collaborated with 3 other clubs and were awarded the PR Punch Grant of 1,000 each to be used for billboard advertising this year – starting right now and continuing through October.
- We have awarded four scholarships to our local students
- 4 students attended RYLA and came back invigorated! Anxious to make our Interact Club the best!
- Students attended the World Affairs Seminar
- Junior Rotarians
Our Club will be awarded the
Rotary International Presidential Citation!!
And how lucky have we been with events and speakers!!
Club Assemblies, Evening meetings with our spouses and friends!
Annual Fellowship Picnic at Rich & Bette's
Blues Brews & Barbeque Event
Our Junior Rotarians
Steve Pangere
Annual Fellowship Picnic at Rich and Bette’s
Chris White & Joe Battistoni of the Times
Kirk Muspratt – of the NWIS
VU Basketball Coach Matt Lottich
District Governor Ranjan Kini and his wife Navi
Aco Sikoski – Youth Employment Council
State Rep Julie Olthoff
Spero Batistatos of South Shore CVA
Salina Gomez-Beloz, Director CP Community Library
Our own Fred Triezenberg speaking on the Kairos Prison Ministry
Our own Herman Barber on our Club history
Our own Jerry Caravana - presented a movie depicting some of the rich history of Crown Point
Mary Nielsen from the CPCF
Mommy’s Haven of Lowell
Len Sherwinski of Honor Flight and we honored many of our vets!
CPHS Choral Group for our Christmas Program
Ruth Kernegis on Roatan Library Progress
Cal Bellamy
Bishop of Gary, Don Hying
YMCA Future presented by Pat Huber and Tom Hoffman
VP of Marketing & Planning for the South Shore RR
US Congressman Peter Visclosky
Alison Duncan - CPHS Volleyball
Gloria Touhy and L Castellanos - Classical Arts Center Plans
Allan Katz - Enjoying Chicago
Shay Shmoul - Shaliach (Israel emissary) to NW IN
Mary Kaczka - E Chicago Water Crisis
Stephen Beekman, Executive Director of the Food Bank NWI
Ana Grandfield took us on a visual trip down Route 66
Leslie Plesac - Unveiling the Sinai Forum for 2017!!